

Hi there, friend! My name is Kimberly, and I am the editor, writer, and general creative lady behind Bloom & Co., a lifestyle blog designed to help navigate others throughout their personal journey. So if you’re a creative wanting to make the most out of your day, are a fan of sassy pep-talks, or are currently needing a bit of TLC, this is the place for you.

Welcome, my friend. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, and let’s have some fun.


Welcome to my little world! My name is Kimberly Starr, and I am a writer, makeup artist, & boss-babe located in Baltimore, MD. I began this journey as a way to help create content that will inspire and motivate others, help navigate them through life’s sometimes demanding ways, & to help others gain some tips and tricks I’ve picked up along the way – whether it be about makeup, interiors, or just life. I aspire to be that big sister we wish we all had, if you know what I mean.

Happiness is my main focus, laughter is my favorite pass-time, and passion is what makes me wake up every morning (well, that, and coffee).

So tell me, friend, what are you passionate about?