SUNNY SIDE UP | 4 fun & budget-friendly things to do on the weekends

With school just picking up again, a lot of us are being frugal on how we spend our money and tend to skip on all the luxuries we could afford during summer break. But sometimes watching Netflix all weekend long just doesn’t cut it, and you need to get out of bed and actually do something.

And whether you’re going back to school, just trying to save up some money, or are in need of some new ways to spend your time, we all are trying to have fun on a budget. And here is how you can!

01. learn something new

Whether you learn a new picture editing software, take an online class on calligraphy, or want to practice a new interest, it’s always a good idea to exercise the mind and learn new things! Especially if it’s something you have always wanted to do but never got around to it, or will help advance you in your career/passions! Most towns offer free classes so you can bring along a friend, and there are tons of websites you can utilize to learn something new without even getting out of bed. Either way, you are good to go!

02. go on a picnic

One of my fondest memories I have with Tyler is when we first began dating two years ago. We used to go on budget-friendly dates all the time, and one included having a picnic at this amazing spot that overlooked all of downtown Baltimore. It was fantastic. And so simple/cheap to do. There definitely a fun time! Grab a blanket, someone you enjoy spending time with, and some sandwiches and you’re all set!

03. explore a new neighboring town

Tyler & I’s go-to budget thing to do on the weekend is to pack up our car, find somewhere within an hour and a half drive from us, and go there to explore. Most of the time the drives are very scenic or have quirky small towns to venture through. So whether we stop to take some photos of horses along the side of the road, or to get some hand-made and local ice cream from a shop, there is always a new experience to have. You never know what lovely gems are around you until you explore!’

04. try out a new recipe

It’s always fun to try a new dish, get out of your comfort zone, and create something! Whether you’re eating it for a meal or for dessert, incorporating a new food you have never tried before, or trying a new technique. It’s even more fun if you invite some people over, turn on some good music, and make it into a gathering!

what are some activities you like to do when you’re on a budget? Let me know in the comments!

And as always, thanks for reading!


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