Weekend R

Hi friends! I kicked off this weekend in a super great way – getting off work a few hours earlier than usual, got in some writing, completed a tiring (yet, amazing) workout, and made yummy vegan tacos.

Yup, all in all, a fantastic evening.

Now I’m sitting here, sipping some coffee (it’s 9pm, but who needs sleep, anyway?) with a blogger playlist playing in the background – more on that coming soon. 

I’m super excited about this weekend. Not because anything particularly exciting is happening, but because it’s been a long week. I’ve been feeling really lackluster lately, and haven’t been in the best mental-state. But I have high hopes for the upcoming few days I have to myself.

With that being said, I’ve been catching up on some much-needed reading this evening, and I wanted to share with you some articles/posts that have stood out for me.

Are you ready?

01. This post all about non-conventional vision boards and manifesting positive vibes to reach your goals. 

02. Here are 5 iced coffee recipes that look super delicious and instagram-friendly. 

03. Are you like me and have been in a reading rut as of late? This blog post will tell you hot to get out of it, and recommend some books. 

04. My hair is currently in the in-between phase. And while i’m actually not minding the longer length, it’s dragging my curls down. This post all about curling my hair has helped out a ton. 

05. Currently experiencing the urge to flee to unknown territories this spring? Here’s a list of places to go. 

Alright, friends, I have a cat currently snoozing on my keyboard at this moment so I think this is the perfect time to go.

Feel free to leave me some posts you’ve wrote recently that you’d think I’d enjoy! My comment section is always open for suggestions.

And as always, thanks for reading! -Kimberly Starr 


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